Group 5

Step Program Flags/Filter/Parameters Notes
1.b BUSCO   This creates short_summary.txt. »> Tip: Run generate_plot to create a graph of the summary. «<
2.a salmon use –gcBias, –seqBias and –validateMappings Output directory has quant.sf file.
2.b python script Highest Isoform for each gene 1. Apply this filter to the quant.sf file and collect the transcript ids. 2.Then get the sequences of the collected transcripts from the fasta file.
2.c BUSCO   This creates short_summary.txt. »> Tip: Run generate_plot to create a graph of the summary. «<
3.1.a cd-hit-est -c 0.95 This clusters 95% similar transcript sequences together in the transcriptome file and creates a non-redundant sequence file
3.1.b BUSCO   This creates short_summary.txt. »> Tip: Run generate_plot to create a graph of the summary. «<
3.2.a TransDecoder.LongOrfs > 200bp This creates 4 files. A cds file, a pep file, a gff file and a bed file.
3.2.b BLASTP -max_target_seqs 1, -outfmt 6, -evalue 1e-5 This gives the homologous sequences between T. castaneum and the target species
3.2.c TransDecoder.Predict –retain_blastp_hits blastp.outfmt6 This creates 4 files. A cds file, a pep file, a gff file and a bed file.
3.2.d BUSCO   This creates short_summary.txt. »> Tip: Run generate_plot to create a graph of the summary. «<
4.a BLASTP -max_target_seqs 1, -outfmt 6 This would create 20 files. (5P2)
4.b RBBH - python script pull out the reciprocal best hits only. This would create 10 files.
4.c Orthologs - python script pull out the orthologs among 5 species This would create 1 file and let us call this the orthologs file.» Note: The order in which you process the Best Hits file would affect the final number of orthologs.«
5.a Annotation use gff file Add annotation to the orthologs file.